Thursday, July 23, 2009

Absentees (21-23 july)

Submission of MC or Letters
To all members,
Pls be informed starting from this term onwards, absentees are to submit their MC or letter to the teacher ic WITHIN 1 WEEK from the day of absence. Failure to do so will have their attendance marked as "O".
For MC: pls remember to photocopy for your CCA before submitting to your FT.
For letter: only the following letters are accepted -parent letters, external exam, medical appt, dental appt, make NRIC, etc.
For other valid reason: letter is not required IF you are involved for other SCHOOL ACTIVITIES or COMPETITIONS, provided you have informed your teacher ic before hand.
Pls don't be afraid to ask if you are still not sure.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Ms Tao

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