Wednesday, July 30, 2008

some queries about Sat's Concert

Some queries about Saturday's concert

1. Can we bring hand phone/MP3?
2. Can we wear home clothes?
3. Can we ask our parents to come along?
4. Can we ask our parents to fetch us from the concert hall?
5. Can we invite friends from other CCA to attend the concert?

Answer: Yes for all.

For 1, please remember to switch your hand phone to SILENT mode during the concert.
For 2, No shorts, mini skirts, flip-flops/slippers, spaghetti straps's a FORMAL event, so please wear appropriately.
For 3-4, you need to indicate that on the consent form reply slip.
For 5, your friends would need to get a consent form too.

Most Importantly,
You need to submit the reply slip by Friday. Otherwise, you won't be allowed to board the bus on Sat.

So section leaders, please collect the reply slips and submit to us by Friday. Thx.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Ms K Tao
Dear all,
Proudly presents to you - LOGO for Greendale Orchestra!


Like it? Logo is drawn by Miss K Tao, improvised from Jia Fen's drawings.
All can have a guess, what is the meaning of the logo.

By Miss Neo :D

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Last Call for SYCO Concert


Dear members and section leaders in particular,

This is regarding the "SYCO Concert" this Saturday.

We need to confirm the number of members going urgently.
Today, some of you gave me a list, however, I am not sure if it is a CONFIRMED list? As some of you said you have not asked every members yet.

So can we get this done by Wed? We need to finalise the number and book the bus 3 days in advance.

Section leaders, please call the members if you don't get to meet them in school. Your help is much appreciated.

Ms Tao

Monday, July 28, 2008

photos after OSO

Some pictures taken after the OSO. Feel free to save the pictures, even though you are not in the pictures!

By Miss Neo Shi Min :D

Sunday, July 27, 2008

SYCO chamber concert


Hi members,

Please sign up with your section/group leaders if you want to go for the concert -BY TUES!
We need to let Mr Lim know how many tickets we need. Let's confirm soon soon.

ALL SEC 1 and new members are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED! 
"OLD" members are welcome too!

Date: 2 August 08 (Sat)
Time: 8pm (est. to finish by 10pm)
Venue: Singapore Conference Hall
Transport provided. (Pick up from school gate)
Free of charge. (Thank you, Mr Lim)

:) Ms Tao

Smile, you are on camera!

some photos from the Honours Day :)

uploaded by Ms Tao

Welcome note from Ms Tao

Dear members,

Welcome to OUR blog---a place for every Greendale Orchestra members!!

As laura has said, this is a place for both Interaction and Information. 
I would like to add: this is also a place for creating memories!

Do check out the blog regularly, for updates and announcement. (you know la, Ms Tao always have many announcements to make, right?...haha)

Let's keep this blog alive. I have faith in YOU!

Ms Tao


1. better communications for members
2. announcements for members
3. thoughts and pictures of practices and events

- no verbal attacks
{be responsible for your words}
- feel free to tag at any time (:
{however, no nicknames allowed}

all blog post will be done by teachers and exco members.
so do check frequently for more updates! :D

Signed off,
Laura Lim, 3E4

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Blogskin: Estel Lee / Details: Laura Lim
Hey Orchestra Members!

- tell me if anything by the sides is wrong :x
(names, class, sections of student? instructor's name?)
- tell me if you would like to be link :D

tag on the tagboard or inform me in school. thank you! (:

Signed off,
Laura Lim, 3E4