SYF 2009 Photos! Order Now!
$12 (6R)
$15 (8R)
Please decide which one you want to get. (no limit to how many you want)
We will be collecting $$ from 4 May-6 May.
So, please get ready for payment by then.
Ms Tao
life is a stage we provides the TALENTS. we play for laughter, we play for tears, we play for madness, we play for fears, we play for hopes, we play for screams, we are the GREENDALE ORCHESTRA, we create the dreams.
Mr Lim, ACT CUTE HOR! ( Mr Lim don't scold me. ^^ )
Erhus with Miss Tao. :D
the sec 4, everone,
Jia Ling,
i found this video of an orchestra playing Da Gui.
or you all also can go to this website to see more on Da Gui.